Professional Investigative Services for Individuals, Businesses, and Organizations

At Lateralus Group, we provide a wide array of investigative services tailored to the needs of individuals, businesses, and organizations. With an experienced team of investigators trained in handling different cases, we ensure quality and confidentiality in all our operations.

Surveillance Services

For cases involving infidelity, child custody, and worker’s compensation claims, our discreet surveillance operations can be an invaluable tool. Our investigators use advanced technology to monitor an individual’s movements and activities, maintaining privacy and legality.

Comprehensive Background Checks

Employers often need to validate the credentials of prospective employees. At Lateralus Group, we conduct meticulous background checks, including criminal records, employment history, and financial records. Our service adds integrity to the hiring process.

Skip Tracing Services

Locating a missing person can be challenging, but our skip tracing service employs various methods, like database searches and social media monitoring, to find individuals who have disappeared. Trust our expertise to reunite families or locate persons of interest.

Commitment to Confidentiality

Our investigators are retired special agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, federal law enforcement agencies, and local police departments. We adhere to all laws and regulations governing the private investigation industry, conducting all investigations with the utmost discretion and professionalism.

Contact Lateralus Group Today

Whether it’s personal matters or complex business investigations, Lateralus Group is ready to assist. Our commitment to excellence and client confidentiality sets us apart. Contact us to learn more about our wide range of investigative services.