
Security Assessments

Lateralus Group provides comprehensive security assessments tailored to protect both commercial enterprises and government agencies. Grounded in extensive law enforcement expertise, we offer comprehensive risk management and advanced protection strategies. Our services include the Security Policies & Procedures Review for government agencies, ensuring compliance with the latest standards, and the Technology Standards & Development service, which keeps government operations at the forefront of secure and efficient technological practices. For the commercial sector, our Vulnerability and Threat Assessment delivers a detailed evaluation of physical and digital security, while the Security Operations Review aligns business operations with industry-best practices. Additionally, homeowners in El Paso can benefit from our Residential Vulnerability and Threat Assessment, offering a customized approach to home security. Choose Lateralus Group for a future-focused and resilient security solution that caters to the dynamic needs of today’s world.

Lateralus Group offers specialized training solutions, designed to empower a wide range of audiences, including individuals, corporate teams, and law enforcement agencies. Our programs, led by expert TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement) certified instructors, cater to a variety of needs. Delve into our Workplace Violence Training (WPV), crafted to enhance skills in identifying and managing potential workplace threats. The Active Shooter Response Training prepares participants for critical incidents, teaching invaluable response tactics. For digital safety, our Cybersecurity Awareness Course (CAC) is a must. Experience real-life scenarios with our Specialized Training Exercises (TTX, FTX, FSE), designed to test and improve emergency response strategies. Personal safety is also a key focus, with our Defensive Tactics Program (DTP) and Firearms Training Program (FTP), offering hands-on self-defense and firearm handling skills. The Threat Awareness Plan (TAP) provides crucial insights into responding effectively to violent threats. Additionally, we offer targeted law enforcement training for state and local agencies, addressing the unique challenges faced in modern policing. Embrace a comprehensive approach to safety and preparedness with Lateralus Group’s training programs.


Lateralus Group specializes in top-tier investigation services, to include risk mitigation, private investigations, and insurance claim inquiries. Our team, comprised of retired FBI agents, ensures unparalleled expertise and trustworthiness. As a TOPS (Texas Online Private Security) registered entity, we adhere to the highest standards in the industry. Our risk mitigation services are essential for businesses requiring comprehensive employer verification, including in-depth background checks that delve into criminal history, employment records, and financial backgrounds. In the field of Private Investigations, we cater to a wide range of clients, handling sensitive issues such as infidelity, child custody disputes, and workers’ compensation claims with the utmost discretion, employing state-of-the-art surveillance techniques. Our insurance claim investigations play a critical role in verifying the legitimacy of claims, pivotal for insurance companies aiming to counter fraudulent claims. We also provide efficient Skip Tracing Services to locate missing individuals through various advanced methods. Discover how our investigative services can address your specific needs.


Lateralus (La-ter-alus) Group: Redefining Security, One Solution at a Time.

Pushing the envelope

Our interactive and realistic law enforcement training exercises are carefully choreographed with role players and professionals in the field. You will gain real-world experience in handling critical incidents, as we push your training to the next level. Our customized programs are designed to meet the unique demands of modern policing, equipping your team with the tools and techniques to safely execute law enforcement actions

A balanced approach

Navigating the tug-of-war between security and convenience can be challenging. Many may choose to “lock down” their systems amid multiple perceived threats, but such an approach is often unsustainable. We believe in the power of informed decision making and specialize in finding the perfect balance. The more that is known about threats, the better one is positioned to make effective decisions to mitigate them. Our expertise lies in comprehending these complexities and tailoring security strategies to your unique needs.

vertical markets

1- Schools
2- Houses of Worship
3- Healthcare
4- Corporations
5- First Responders
6- Government
7- Private Investigations
8- Personal Safety
9- Residential